CoActions Lab

Cognition and Actions Lab

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Congratulations to Thibault Fumery who has been awarded a 4-year FRIA grant starting from October 2023 !
His project focuses on how motivation by reward interacts with cognitive inhibitory control to shape urgency during decision making; using neurophysiological tools (behavioral measures and transcranial magnetic stimulation) and MRI (tractography). He will work with healthy adults and adolescents, and patients with Parkinson's disease to better understand this interaction on behavior and the neural bases of impulsivity.

Julie was invited to give a talk on the neural substrates of urgency during human decision making at the Bordeaux Neurocampus international conference, NeuroCompare (Comparative Neuronal Circuits For Adaptive Behaviour), which took place in France from Tuesday 26th to Thursday 28th September, 2023." The talk focused on the work done by former postdoc Gérard Derosière (now INSERM in Lyon) and an ongoing study pursued by Fanny Fievez, Thibault Fumery and Fostine Chaise, all PhD candidates in the lab.



Julie was invited by Giovanni Mirabella to give a talk on a related topic at Brescia University in Italy on October 13th 2023. The presentation also included preliminary data on a study using transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation, led by postdoc Shiyong Su in the lab.

Ronan Denyer visited our lab in September 2023 before he officially joins us as a postdoc in 2024. We had a very nice evening at Bombay BBQ in Brussels. 

Welcome Ronan!


Congratulations to Su who got a postdoctoral grant from the Belgian Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS) involving 3 years of funding.
This proposal aims to understand the causal role of pupil-linked arousal (PLA), including the specific contribution of PLA-related neuromodulators, such as norepinephrine (NE) and dopamine (DA), in the regulation of speed-accuracy tradeoff (SAT) during decision-making. We propose that the function of PLA includes a locus coeruleus (LC)-NE-mediated route enhancing information processing and materializing into augmented decision accuracy, as well as a substantia nigra (SN)-DA-mediated route causing behavioral invigoration and materializing into boosted decision speed. We will test this idea in 3 work packages (WPs) using interferential approaches. This work is relevant for fundamental neuroscience and also for neurology, as it will help better understand the causal role of arousal in regulating the speed and accuracy of our behaviors, and will open the path to potential treatments in associated neurological disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease.
