CoActions Lab

Cognition and Actions Lab

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We are very pleased to share that Gerard Derosiere, postdoc in the lab for 8 years, has obtained a permanent researcher position at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM). Gerard has been part of the CoActions lab, working tightly with Julie on the contribution of motor structures to decision-making (e.g., Derosiere et al., 2017, NeuroImage; Derosiere et al., 2018, J Neurosci; Derosiere et al., 2022, PLOS Biology). Until he develops his own group at the Lyon research center for Neuroscience (CRNL,, he is  still largely active in the lab, joining at lab meetings, finishing up his postdoctoral work and still collaborating on several projects.

 We had a Farewell party for Gerard and sent best wishes to him!





Thibault is an MD currently specializing in neurology at UCLouvain since 2020. After 2 years of clinical training, he joined the coactions lab on October 1st 2022 to start a PhD. He intends to focus on how reward, which induces “WANTING”, interacts with cognitive control, which allows “CAUTION”, to shape urgency during decision making ; using neurophysiological tools and MRI (tractography). He will work with healthy subjects and patients with Parkinson's disease to better understand this interaction.


More info about Thibault can be found here:

Welcome to the lab!

Congratulations to Goldy who got a postdoctoral grant from the Belgian Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS) involving 3 years of funding.
The project is aimed at exploring neural oscillatory mechanisms underlying skill transfer/generalization and retention. This work involves a combination of behavioral assessments, TMS and EEG recordings to uncover the neurological basis of human motor skill performance. Our goal is to use closed-loop TMS-EEG technique to target specific phases of the sensorimotor neural oscillation that may be critical for skill memory consolidation and subsequently modulate transfer of a newly learned skilled movement. We believe this will further our neuroscientific knowledge of human skill behavior, as well as help us assess the efficacy of the closed-loop TMS protocol (as compared to traditional TMS protocols, such as rTMS).


Fanny has recently been awarded a WI-World Excellence Grant 2022 which will fund a three-months research exchange in Prof. Ignasi Cos lab at the Universitat de Barcelona, in Barcelona (Spain). Fanny will be investigating the interaction between the control of decision and movement speed.