Corticospinal Suppression Underlying Intact Movement Preparation Fades in Parkinson's Disease

Wilhelm E, Quoilin C, Derosiere G, Paço S, Jeanjean A, Duque J: Corticospinal Suppression Underlying Intact Movement Preparation Fades in Parkinson's Disease. Movement Disorders. 2022.
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Regulation of hastiness in the motor system
Derosiere G, Thura D, Cisek P, Duque J. (2022). Hasty sensorimotor decisions rely on an overlap of broad and selective changes in motor activity. In: PLOS Biology. 20(4), e3001598.
Association Between Cortical Thickness and Motor Inhibition
Quoilin C, Dricot L, Genon S, de Timary P, Duque J. Neural bases of inhibitory control: Combining transcranial magnetic stimulation and magnetic resonance imaging in alcohol-use disorder patients. Neuroimage. 2020; 224:117435.
Tuning the corticospinal system: how distributed brain circuits shape human actions

Derosiere, G, and Duque, J. "Tuning the corticospinal system: how distributed brain circuits shape human actions." The Neuroscientist 26.4 (2020): 359-379.